Google is looking at how to take digital languages to the next level, and then it’s just a matter of time before language will no longer have any barriers and business and individuals will be able to communicate with anyone, anywhere in any language. And as Google says: they will bring everyone to the Internet
A pioneer in the sector, Dr. Philip Payne, founder of Linguist's Software Inc. , started his company 30 years ago in Edmonds, WA not knowing the path to globalization that lay ahead. He grew his company to provide fonts and input from 200 to over 2000 languages over the last three decades, making it by far the largest linguistic software library of its kind. Now this new (IP) is ten times larger (language/font/key-guide & tool set) than Adobe, who used to be the world leader.
Ken Kinkel, CEO of Mergers & Acquisitions ( ) represents Dr. Payne’s exit strategy and retirement from Linguist's Software Inc. and understands the value of his language software to change the future of mobile and the internet communications.
"Google has said they will have everyone on the Internet by 2020. They are moving so fast that only companies with these 2000+ languages could have a chance to catch up to Google. Maybe even beat them, to what is now looking like a monopoly for Google by 2020. That’s an astonishing prediction and if it’s true, then the company that owns these 2,000 plus languages will be a perfect position to capitalize on this astonishing achievement. Being connected worldwide is one thing, but being able to communicate in practically every language of the world is quite another. Our client’s product makes this possible. Universal connectivity and now matched with the available in one’s own language - a perfect combination for the future of worldwide digital communications.
Other firms may even beat Google, to what is now looking like a worldwide monopoly for them by 2020. By using their cell phone dominance (and 6.3 billion cell phones that exist today, according to the UN) they could skip past the huge infrastructure that Google is now building in fiber, and power worldwide. And use existing cell technology to take these languages to world dominance right now and well before Google’s dominance by 2020.
Previous article reference:
How do you say "Apple" in 2000 Languages?
Linguist's Software Blazes the Path to Globalization for Web and Mobile Devices with Fonts and Keyboard Input for 2000 Languages
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Contact for more info on Linguist's Software, Inc.
Ken Kinkel 1-855-559-0100 x11
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