At the same time, retail shoppers' engagement with ads has been shown to increase when they are within a 2 mile radius from a store location. Researchers found engagement was 42% higher when ads were seen on a device rather than when they were inside a store. According to the report, 92% more shoppers are now buying from a mobile device than in-store (versus Q1 2012).”
According to a recent press release from MobileBits Corporation (OTCBB: MBIT), "Mobile ad networks such as iAds (APPL) , Admob (GOOG) and Millennial Media (NYSE: MM) extend the digital advertising model by providing consumer clicks and typically charging a CPM (cost per thousand) or CPC (cost per click) fee to deliver leads and brand awareness. Social networks such as Facebook (FB), Yelp (NYSE: YELP) and to an extent Groupon (GRPN), offer increased consumer engagement through mobile apps providing an opportunity to monetize consumer clicks.
MobileBits (OTCBB: MBIT) says SAMY, its mobile marketing and engagement network, transcends the mobile ad and social app landscape by increasing the engagement value and moving more of the real-time controls directly into the hands of the advertiser, charging only for actionable results defined as subscriptions. SAMY is a fast growing 'Mobile Mall' that provides any merchant, retailer or brand with an out-of-the box, ready to deploy, mobile marketing & engagement solution to connect with consumers in their local area and help increase sales in the physical store.
On August 27th the company released its mobile storefront management tools designed to enable businesses to easily create their own mobile app presence and to connect with customers. The SAMY platform offers merchants a new and more effective solution to engage customers around their shopping interests.
MobileBits (OTCBB: MBIT) stock closed up 26% in Friday's trading session.
According to an article in Forbes, "Facebook (FB), also said it reached 1 million advertisers, an indication that it's becoming more successful in attracting small local businesses, aided particularly by a recent simplification of its ad offerings. Not least, Facebook and the ad firms that help marketers buy ads on the site say big brands are also increasing their spending.”
Yelp Inc. (NYSE: YELP) recently announced the availability of Yelp Brazil ( Starting August 21st people throughout Brazil are able to create accounts on to share their opinions about great local businesses. Yelp's free iPhone and Android applications will be available as well as its free suite of business owner tools: Yelp for Business Owners (
Millennial Media's market leading platform will now include Jumptap's offerings, and will result in consolidation and differentiated scale in the fast-growing mobile ad market.
The company also announced a new strategic partnership with Adsmovil, the principal mobile ad network in Latin America and the U.S. Hispanic markets, extending its media platform into South America, Central America and Mexico.
For investors following mobile commerce, mobile marketing, mobile payments and mobile security, offers a list of publicly trades stocks in addition to news and articles following key trends.
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